Growing Wiser Together
Once you have an idea what this principle means to you, find a way to express yourself. Maybe you want to write about it, build a sculpture, act it out, or paint, draw, color your thoughts! I'm hoping for interpretative dance or puppet shows!
If you can capture your ideas in paint, in crayon, on film, or in another way, we would love to see what you've made! Post on the Share Ur Stuff (blog).
Definition Hunt
In the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we state:
...the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
In RE, we often restate this as
"You and I grow wiser and brighter together"
This all sounds great, but do we really know what it means?
For this challenge, let's understand these ideas in a few different ways:
So, I have to admit that I was over 40 years old before I had a solid definition of what “spiritual” means to me. Maybe I had a definition earlier in life and it changed? Maybe I never did? What about you? With your family or other trusted people, discuss:
What does it mean to be spiritual to you? When you think of spiritual or spirituality, you associate other words or concepts like “goddess/ god/ God/ Goddess/ goddesses/ gods,” Mystery, spirit, soul, nature, or any others?
Are there any specific locations that inspire you to feel most spiritual?
Are there any people or other beings (like our doggos) who inspire that spiritual feeling?
Are there any activities or actions that inspire your spirit like dance, yoga, hiking, singing, reading poetry, or anything else?