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Activities for Adults and Families

Here are a few ongoing events specifically for Adults and Families.

Re-New UUs

2nd and 4th Sunday from Feb 23-May25 | 12:15-1:45 pm | UUCT in Servetus Room


Are you ready to dig deeper into the traditions in Unitarian Universalism, our theology, history, governance, faith development, and membership? The New UU program provides a foundation for more discussion about Unitarian Universalism and the life of our congregation for new members, existing- members, never- members, and those thinking about membership! Re-NEW your commitment to your faith home.

Commitment? No: Sessions are all open to everyone so don’t worry if you miss some! Attend the topics that are most relevant to you.

Bring:  your lunch or snacks, your questions, note taking supplies

Feb 23 --UU Theology and Worship

March 9 --UU History

March 23 --UUCT History
April 13 --UU RE

April 27 --Social Justice
May 11 --Governance and Polity
May 25 --Leadership and Deepening Your Involvement

Spirited Conversations
Last Thursdays | 5:00-7:00pm | Panera Bread at 6129 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85711 (east side)

Join Rev. Jamili at Panera Bread for deep discussions over your favorite beverage or dinner. I’ll come prepared with a few opening questions and you bring yours! Let’s talk about the meaning of life or just the things that make life meaningful.

First Friday Films and Discussions
1st Fridays | 5:00-? | at UUCT in Holland Sanctuary 

Culture. Values. Discussion.

Have you seen a movie that you were excited to talk about with others? This is your chance! We will watch a movie (90-120 minutes long) and then open the floor for some guided discussion. The film will change monthly –some times popular ones, sometimes documentaries. Bring your dinner or just a snack to share! If you have a film you want to share with others, reach out to Rev. Jamili! If you need child care, please contact Rev. Jamili.

Second Friday Open Mic
2nd Fridays | 6:00pm-? | at UUCT in Holland Sanctuary 

Calling all musicians, poets, comedians, singers, performers, and those who enjoy being the audience! Next Friday, September 13, at 6pm we kick off our Second Friday Open Mic Nights. Contact Mel Fish or Wendy Gordon Weeks with any questions.

Third Friday Acoustic Worship

​3rd Fridays  | 6:00-7:00pm | at UUCT in Holland Sanctuary 


Seeking a reprieve from the hectic world in the middle of the week? Looking to escape the news in the company of Beloveds for just a little bit? Here’s your chance to come to worship on a Thursday night. Come experience an “un-pluged” worship service –no big choir; just us singing. No formal sermon; just some light reflections. And each of us might become worship assistants! Every other month (even-numbered months: Feb, April, June, etc...), we proudly welcome Southern Arizona Covenant of UU Pagans as our worship leaders. 

We’ll help you fill your heart in the middle of the week!

Friday Fun Night: Game Night!
4th Fridays | 6:00-8:00pm | UUCT in the Servetus room.

Fun. Connection. Community.
Join us for a family-friendly game night; those with or without children are welcome, and if you have a friend who isn’t a member but loves games, they can certainly come along!

We’ll have plenty of games on hand, but if you have a favorite board game, card game or party game, please bring it. If you would like to bring food and eat before playing, or pitch in to order pizza with others, join us at 5:15pm.

If you need child care, please contact Rev. Jamili.

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