Latitude and Longitude
What do you know about GPS Coordinates? Check out this video to learn about Latitude and Longitude.
**Pro Tip
Have a conversation with a trusted adult about how this is a "Western" oriented navigation system. Other cultures navigate the globe in different ways using different language. Can you find any? Let us know!
Where is UUCT?
Find the GPS position for UUCT. Our physical address is:
4831 E. 22nd St, Tucson, AZ 85711o
Not sure where to start? Here are some tips from Google.
What are the coordinates of your favorite places? School? Home? Friends? Grocery Stores? Doctors? Parks? Swimming pools? The Zoo?
How far do you live from those things?
Who Was Here Before?
Before Europeans, who lived in Tucson? Do those communities still live around here?
Check out these resources to help us identify the earlier residents of our area:
Honoring Native Land
There is a movement to do more to honor Native Land. With a trusted adult, check out this resource.
Faith in Action
Given the information you’ve learned about Native Land, what steps can you take to
Further your knowledge
Work towards justice and equality for Indigenous Peoples
Consider advocating to drop “Columbus Day” in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day'_Day
Something else that you're excited about?
Once you think through these questions, find a way to express yourself. Maybe you want to write about it, build a sculpture, act it out, or paint, draw, color your thoughts! I'm hoping for interpretative dance or puppet shows!
The Earth Below Our Feet
If you can capture your ideas in paint, in crayon, on film, or in another way, we would love to see what you've made! Post on the Share Ur Stuff (blog).