Worth and Dignity
Definition Hunt
In the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we state:
...the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:
The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
In RE, we often restate this as
"Respect the worth and dignity of each person."
This all sounds great, but do we really know what it means?
For this challenge, let's understand these ideas in a few different ways:
Go look in a dictionary. What do the words "respect," "worth," and "dignity" mean? Are there any fun synonyms that you like?
Have a conversation with a trusted adult about what they think those words mean?
Define them for yourself! What do you think "respect," "worth," and "dignity" mean? How do they connect to each other for you? How do you ACT when you believe that each person should be respected?
**Pro Tip**
Want to read more about the UU Principles? Check out these resources:
A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by Forrest Church and John A. Buehrens (UUCT has copies of this to loan out. Contact dre.uuct@gmail.com)
Once you have an idea what this principle means to you, find a way to express yourself. Maybe you want to write about it, build a sculpture, act it out, or paint, draw, color your thoughts! I'm hoping for interpretative dance or puppet shows!
If you can capture your ideas in paint, in crayon, on film, or in another way, we would love to see what you've made! Post on the Share Ur Stuff (blog).